When you were a child or young adult, did you ever receive an amalgam filling? Amalgam fillings are the silver-colored fillings that were often used to restore molars. From time to time, we receive some questions from our patients regarding the safety of their amalgam fillings and if they should be replaced withcomposite fillings.
The reason that questions have been raised around amalgam fillings is due to the presence of mercury. Mercury is a substance that is typically dangerous to our health in large doses. In fact, some people question if amalgam fillings can be responsible for health problems like autism, dementia, and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Are amalgam fillings dangerous to your health?
Simply put, amalgam fillings are safe for your health. Both the American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration, two of largest public health organizations, have stated that there are no safety risks with amalgam fillings. In addition to this, there has been no link found between amalgam fillings and the aforementioned diseases.

What makes the mercury in amalgam fillings safe?
While amalgam fillings contain mercury, the mercury, when blended with silver, tin, zinc, and other metals, becomes a stable alloy. This stable alloy was used by dentists for over a hundred years to fill millions of teeth affected by tooth decay. There is no scientific evidence at this point that amalgam fillings can be linked to the development of other health issues.
Are there any health issues associated with amalgam fillings?
It is possible to experience an allergic reaction to your amalgam filling. Like many other allergic reactions, you may experience hives and feel itchy. If it is determined that you have an allergy to one of the substances in amalgam fillings, it is recommended to replace your amalgam filling with a composite filling or another type of restoration.
Are you in need of a filling in Rockford, IL?
If you are in need of a filling or another type of
restoration and live in the
Rockford, IL area, feel free to
schedule an appointment with Dr. Sachs.