Common Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity
After discussing tooth sensitivity in our last blog we want to give you five of the most common sources of tooth sensitivity.
1. Dental Trauma - A tooth can be receptive to even small pressure if it has been distressed by any means, "damaged" or perhaps fractured (by chomping downward on something). Occasionally even having your teeth cleaned or a filling done can trigger tenderness. Sensitivity to traumatization might takes weeks as well as months to recede.

2. Uneven Bite - In the event that a tooth or teeth are meeting early as well as too hard because the teeth have moved, meaning that your bite has altered, it can result in sensitivity. Such transformations might be as a result of factors such as thumb sucking, decline of bone structure, or a tooth being taken out and the other teeth moving into the empty space etc.. A bite correction typically remedies the trouble.
3. Dental Decay - The tooth often becomes delicate to hot or cold, candies, as well as acidic food when a tooth is rotted due to the fact that bacteria penetrates the nerve of the tooth. Clearing the decay and receiving a filling is required to fix this trouble.
4. Dental Infection - The sensation can be exceptional if there is infection in the tooth. Treatment is usually needed to heal the infection or it may not simply lead to harsh pain, but major health troubles.
5. Dentinal Sensitivity - Exposed dentin is by far the most common root cause of tooth sensitivity. Such arises when the dentin (the inner layer of the tooth) is exposed. Individuals having a wholesome, strong coating of enamel on their teeth do not usually endure tooth sensitivity.
Stay tuned to our next blog where we will discuss more triggers of tooth sensitivity. If you are in the Rockford, IL area and would like to make an appointment please contact us!